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Traumatized, Lavish Reynolds Appears in New Video

It seems apparent that the trauma of the events Lavish Reynolds and her family endured on Wednesday, July 9th have has started to sink in. Lavish Reynolds displayed a calm demeanor as she sat in her vehicle with her hands on the wheel, her daughter in the back seat, her boyfriend #PhilandoCastile  bleeding in the passenger seat, with a gun of an unhinged officer trained at her family.

She was careful not to provoke him to shoot again. The officer had proven himself unpredictable with an easy trigger finger. She had to try to save her life and the life of her daughter.

She was thinking, protecting, surviving.

#WhereIsLavishReynolds trended on Twitter with requests to flood the St.Paul Minnesota police station to demand Reynolds’ release.  After suffering the compounded trauma of being held in police custody overnight, Lavish appears hurt and unraveled. The weight of her new reality,  undoubtedly, is setting in.

But Reynolds is a warrior–sharp, strong and intentional. She calls for the Governor to protect the rights of people with licenses to carry. She details a the last 12 hours of her life, being held in custody without food, water or concern for her well-being by officers she said colluded to protect the man who killed her boyfriend.

Lavish captured the attention of the nation and made millions around the world consider the human toll that unchecked police violence has on people of color. What Lavish captured on camera was nothing less than terror.

Protesters gathered outside the Governor’s Mansion in St. Pail Minnesota Wednesday night, chanting “Philando Castile!” The governor has not responded.

About Kreative Media Pros Exec (60 Articles)
Journalist, auntie and animal lover with a passion for music, exotic foods and intelligent people.

2 Comments on Traumatized, Lavish Reynolds Appears in New Video

  1. She didn’t seem upset that he was laying there dying next to her! Put the damn phone down and get him help! God forbid, if anything happens to me and i need help and someone is video taping it, if I survive, I will beat your ass! That’s what’s wrong with people now. Put the damn phones down and look around. You might be able to help someone in need. Instead of video taping someone suffering and dying sitting next to you!!!!!!!!!!


    • She was upset but also in survival mode. The cop already shot her boyfriend and was behaving erratically. If she had not had the forethought to stream what happened, we would only have the officer’s side of the story… at least that is all that would be regarded as “credible.” Her words would have meant nothing to people like you, hell bent on finding fault.


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